Show of Peace remembered… or something like it

I remember being really excited and skeptical when i read news of the Show of Peace months ago… the idea was great and the suggested lineup of “invited artists” a dream… there was just no way this was going to happen.

then Jimmy Page showed up in Beijing and a media frenzy took place at the Ritz Carlton with all kinds of artists showing support and what not…

then nothing…

then it was announced that for technical difficulties, the show would be postponed and would happen on the auspicious date of 10-10-10 … right… we’re two days away from that magical date and I guess by now, we all know what to expect: nothing.

not gonna beat a dead horse on this one as a lot of ink was spilled on the issue already… there was a glimmer of hope that it might happen for a brief few days… shame! Good luck to Rick Garin for even thinking about pulling something of this magnitude in Beijing.

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