Friend or Foe: Another dance, Goodbye Deviance


what is it with Shanghai and deviance? It seems like the city brings it out of its musicians so much that they feel the need to throw it into their songs. Not that i’m complaining because it makes for some pretty sweet music (Dance with Deviance by the Fever Machine).
Well, the newest entry in the deviance chapter comes from those crazy wild fun guys of Friend or Foe who graced Beijing for the last time a few weeks ago.

Say hello to their newest and probably last release: Deviant Desires

I’ve finally had time to take it for a spin and it’s a worthy successor to their debut “My Claw is Never Limp”. I was never a fan of the remixed version but i dig the band’s style and Double Down, off their debut, remains one of my favourite tunes from a China based band.

Back to the new album, on first listen without over analysing, I’m digging track number 3 “Girl”. The opening number is a bit to weird though. 2D Love is another haunting one.. nice switches, different tempos, great little tune.

go get it, listen to it. It’s a fitting goodbye to a band i wish was based in Beijing.

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