Zippo Hot List, Subs, The Fever Machine, Miserable Faith & bad Rumors i don’t wanna humor
A whole lotta things been happening here yonder and not always needing their own post so here’s a summary:
SUBS are rocking a new album and have already started a China tour last saturday (5/29) in Shijiazhuang. I caught a few songs on Friday at Yugong Yishan as part of the Zippo Hot List. The band looked and sounded pretty sharp with less howling and more singing for a change. Look for the new album to hit Beijing when they come back sometime in June/July.
Talking about the Zippo Hot list, it sounds like it’s on its way to becoming a regular event. The second one is already tentatively scheduled for June with AV Okubo, 24 Hours, Rustic & Mr. Graceless as possible acts. Interesting move from Zippo and Plastered to associate themselves with up n coming bands. A quick chat with someone in the know did confirm the expected monthly schedule… I hope it works as they’re putting together decent bills so far.
Maggie Who‘s new EP will be available on this side of Chaoyang Friday night when they play 2 Kolegas along with Operation Bojinka, another International School Band. It should be an interesting gig at the dive with what i expect to be predominately an expat crowd. Grab a copy of the EP while you’re at it, it’s got 4 decent rocky groovers showcasing the band’s potential! If they stay together, these kids might get somewhere
Did you notice the number of indie Canadian bands/acts that descended on Beijing over the past year? Someone in France did and they’re staging their own invasion of Beijing/China with a huge number of acts due to come by in June. Some shows are even for free so check for up-to-date informations. Cocoon and M are 2 acts to keep your eyes on!
I’ve been hearing about this Shanghai band “The Fever Machine” for a while now and most of those that heard them talk about them as a “musician’s band”.. i.e a band that other musicians have lots of respect for! Well, they’re coming to Beijing end of June for 2 shows: D22 and 2 Kolegas. Check them out.
Add Miserable Faith to the list of Bands releasing a new album soon. Theirs comes out this saturday at StarLive and I’m wrecking my brain trying to think of how I can see both them and The Redbucks…. mission impossible me thinks but i’ll still try.
Finally, rumors ( and note that i say rumors) are swirling around “Free The Birds” potentially being done and over with. I’ve been unable to ask anyone in the band and I’m really hoping this is not true but the background noise surrounding them is getting louder. I sincerely hope it’s just a time off or completely false and refuse to consider this true unless I hear it from the Band members themselves.