Rainbow Danger Club delivers Dangerously Addictive New Record

sure, this is all about Beijing but I do like keeping an eye on what’s happening elsewhere in the China-based music stratosphere. So, when Wu Mao of Rainbow Danger Club (RDC) emailed me a few days ago about their new record, I rushed to get a copy. I remembered them from their New Atlantis EP last year which i did like so I naturally went in and got my hands on the new baby, Where Maps End.

The cool cover was designed through a NeoCha contest and rocks… it’s quite befitting the album’s grandiose imagery and articulate song titles like “The Drunken Captain & The Firefly” or “To Where the Map Ends”… looking at the concept made me realize how much i miss physical concept album… There’s something magic about holding a well designed/thought cover with great art and liner notes.

I’m not sure how to describe the songs on this particular one… the first words that come to mind are: beautifully structured. I’m not a fan of the indie label in general which RDC gets tagged with and this record is also beyond that generic label. I like it, I really do.

Drown the Creatures has a simple but driving beat to it while To Where the Map Ends proves to be quite dreamy. Babies Grow on Trees, possibly my favorite on the album from a musical perspective, leaves me longing for stronger less harmonious vocals. Moon Song has that baroque feel that i’m a sucker for. Battleship is quite a bit more aggressive of a composition than anything else on the album and my favorite overall songs

Big big ups to RDC for a really good record. It’s one of the more interesting ones i’ve seen come out of China recently! I look forward to seeing the band live whenever they come up to Beijing.

go ahead and get a copy of the album over at:
follow the band on their blog/website at

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